Spring Cleaning Your Car

Spring is just around the bend, and you’re probably ready to start shedding those unwanted winter clothes, sprucing up the ol’ house and finally taking some time to organize that junk drawer in your kitchen. (It’s okay; we all have one.) And while you’re in the cleaning mood, why not give your vehicle a little Spring cleaning? Well, here are a few tips for getting your vehicle all cleaned up and ready to ride into Spring.

Give your baby a bath! It may seem like a no-brainer, but too often we get too busy to wash away the grime and let her shine. And while you’re at it, don’t forget to clean the windows with a quality glass cleaner; it helps protect from future dirt build up, thus protecting you from obstruction.

They’re such an important part of your vehicle, and you never realize they’re too dirty until it’s too late. Well, weirdly enough, a quick solve is toothpaste. Yes, toothpaste. Just squirt a bit of toothpaste on a clean rag and rub in circular motions, until those pearly white lights shine bright.iStock_000009249733_Large

We know we say this one all the time, but check your tire pressure. With the weather fluctuating so much, especially for us in Texas, it’s very easy for your tires to become underinflated. Give them a look, fill them up and don’t get caught in a low-pressure situation.

We touched on this in last week’s blog, but replacing your blades is a must do and easy to do. You don’t want to find yourself driving in those April showers without a fresh pair of wiper blades to clear the way.

Now, you should always be watching your battery. But on the off chance you haven’t in a while, take it to a local auto parts store, and they’ll give your charge a check. Another thing to look out for is corrosion. If you catch some corrosion early on, you can always clean it up with a little baking soda and elbow grease. Follow this guide for a full breakdown of proper cleaning instructions.

If you spend a lot of time in your vehicle, then all the more reason to tidy tings up a bit. Get in there with an old toothbrush if you need to, and for those really hard-to-reach spots, don’t be afraid to bust out the shop vac. Who knows what’s hiding under your seat? And better yet, who wants to?

Who says “Spring cleaning” means you can’t add something to the mix? With the risk slick roads ahead, take this opportunity to double check your accident preparedness. It may seem like nothing now, but if something were to happen, it can make all the difference.

Well, that about does it. You now have all the tools you need to get in there and bust up that dust. Just a little bit of time cleaning can leave your car looking cleaner, running leaner and in some instances, keeping you safer.