Caliber Teams Up with the Dallas Cowboys to Host the Inaugural Caliber Military Combine

The summer may be coming to a close, but our favorite season of all is just starting to heat up: football season. After months of preparation, the stadium lights seem to be shining extra bright, and with them, our future for the road ahead thanks to our new co-pilot: the Dallas Cowboys. We are so excited and honored to team up with the most prestigious name in the NFL. Together, the sky truly is the limit in terms of what we’ll be able to achieve. Because you don’t become America’s largest collision repair company or America’s team without one shared thing: drive. Drive to push hard, be the best, and never miss an opportunity to give back.

combine-logoBetween Recycled Rides, Hire Our Heroes, Allies in Service, Heroes on the Water and our Changing Lanes initiative, it’s no mystery that Caliber is a big fan of supporting the troops. Because we believe it’s important to give back to those who gave up so much for us. But now we’d like to give our soldiers something extra special: an opportunity to strut their stuff and have some fun. And mandatory or not, it’ll be hard for everyone to not enjoy themselves. With the help of the Dallas Cowboys, we are excited to announce the inaugural Caliber Military Combine.

The Caliber Military Combine will be on Saturday, November 5 at Fort Hood, and hosted by 5-year NFL veteran and two time All-American Terrence Wheatley. Modeled after the NFL Combine, we’ll assess the troops’ tenacity and physical abilities to see how they stack up against the pros and determine who’s a warrior on and off the field. Each soldier will compete in five events: 40-yard dash, broad jump, endurance test, push-ups/sit-ups and medicine ball toss. The winners will be selected to move on to the finals at the Dallas Cowboys Headquarters in February, and the all-time winner will get to announce the Cowboys 2017 draft pick at the AT&T Stadium. For those not competing, you’ll still enjoy front row seats to some fierce competition, raffles for Cowboys tickets and the opportunity to rub elbows with Cowboys alumni and Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders. So mark your calendars, because this promises to be one for the books – the playbooks.*

Remember to keep an eye out for more exciting events we plan to put on with our new all-pro partners. And remember, while the Cowboys may know a thing or two about collisions on the field, we’re the champs of fixing them off of it. And just like fans have their back, we have yours when you get blindsided. So, if someone makes a bad call on the way to the game, put us in. We’ll be ready to restore the rhythm of your life.

*Non-participating attendees must be DOD card holders


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